Monday, 29 March 2010

Recent Purchases

Well everyone, it's been nearly a month since I last posted anything but I'm very excited as I bought my shoes!! I found them on eBay for half the price they were in the shops! (I will add pictures later as the uploader is playing up)
I've also requested veil samples from the Wedding Veil Shop in Diamond White and Diamond White Shimmer. Everything is getting really exciting!

Scilly Bride

Saturday, 13 March 2010

364 Days to go!

Well everyone, it's been a while since I last posted as H2B and I have moved into our summer accommodation and we had no internet for a while. I'm happy to say that now we have a PAYG Vodafone Dongle which is excellent! I was starting to get eBay withdrawal symptoms!
I've stopped working on the farm now which is good because it was sooooooo cold! I'm now working in a local hotel which is good fun and I'm working with some great people. Was thinking about using this hotel as my reception venue but I hate the curtains in the restaurant! (Is that bad?!) so have crossed it off the list and made a definate decision on that front.
We're setting up our joint wedding bank account next week which is VERY exciting! I have a savings account which I've been using but a joint account is really big!
Still haven't been to see the local Minister but will as soon as H2B and I have a decent amount of time off together (he's still working on the farm).
Yesterday was our one year to go day, which H2B actually remembered! Getting really exciting now and it also means that people can't say "It's ages away yet!" because now, IT'S UNDER ONE YEAR AWAY!!!

Scilly Bride xXx

Saturday, 13 February 2010


Well. Finally we got here after weather and flooding delays keeping us on the mainland for an extra day. Didn't really mind that much as it meant one more day with my niece but it did mean that we missed our first day at work. Luckily the bosses' son is a friend of ours and you have to get used to weather delays!
Had a bit of a session on saturday night, visited every pub on the island bar one (several times) and left me with a two day hangover!
We're living in a lovely house ten minutes walk out of town and means that we can't be dragged out for random drinking sessions!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Even better news

We had a phone call this morning saying we're needed to start ASAP! So instead of monday, we are off on friday which means we'll be there in time for a friend's birthday. And Scilly standards, that means we may lose a day or two...

Scilly Bride


Tuesday, 2 February 2010


I've had a fruitful evening tonight looking at centrepiece ideas. Hadn't really given it much thought til tonight whilst browsing Project Wedding! I'd imagined I would use flowers or small lanterns but now (Venue willing!) I'd love to do something like this with the candles on different levels.
Of course the islands grow a large variety of flowers which will be in season in march including one I love, the narcissus variety, 'Scilly White' which is so pretty AND would work out very economical! Perhaps I could use the flowers in water under floating candles...
I can see this is one to ponder!

Scilly Bride


Vintage headbands

As annoying as I find the adverts on Facebook, for once they've turned up something nice! Found a really lovely selection of vintage headbands by Yulia Kunze and here's the website!

Good news!

H2B and I are heading back to Scilly on monday! We've been slobbing it out at Mum's since we got back from New Zealand and now we have some work! H2B has been going out of his mind with boredom so I'm glad he's got something to do. And of course it means that we can start saving for the wedding!

Scilly Bride


Monday, 1 February 2010

Some pictures so far...

Here are some images of sparkly things that have caught my magpie eye!

Sparkly Things...

I love my jewellery. Adore it! And when it comes to my wedding jewellery I wanted classy with sparkle. So while looking through my first wedding magazine (buying that was an exciting experience!) I saw a gorgeous pearl side comb. Immediately went to the website and fell in love! I hadn't wanted a tiara before this but staring back at me from the page was this. More than I ever expected to pay but it may just find it's way into our budget... I definately know however that I will buy this. Regardless of tiara, earrings whatever, I want that necklace!!

Scilly Bride



My favourite colour being purple I knew immediately that I wanted to use it. When planning for the wedding in Hong Kong, I was going to wear a purple dress but seeing as we're not doing the destination wedding thing now, white is the only way to go!
The other colours we're using are black and white. H2B's team play in black and white so I heard no complaints from him about the colours!
We started with purple and green but greens can be notoriously bad to match so I dropped that like a bag of snakes and grabbed white. Whilst looking on a cake website I found these which made me want to use black as well. Since adding the black I've found it so easy to pull everything together, dresses, stationery, flowers and accessories.

Scilly Bride


Next Time - Jewellery

How far we are...

Seeing as we got engaged and decided on a date in July, I've had a lot of time to start thinking about dresses, flowers, food, colour schemes, stationery, venues, shoes, suits, cakes, jewellery, hair and make up...
We first thought that marrying abroad was the way forwards... until the family found out we what were planning and I started to feel guilty! Sometimes I think about marrying in Hong Kong like we planned but a family wedding is definately what we want.
The VERY first thing I did (apart from join a wedding forum!) was visit the local Bridal shop in Penzance called Bride! Linda, the owner is absolutely lovely. She didn't make me feel silly for looking at dresses so far in advance plus she made me a lovely cup of tea! With a dress budget of £1000 there were certain dresses I didn't let myself look at which was fine as I think they could've been a bit fussy! (I like to imagine) I picked out about eight to ten dresses to try on, leaving my favourite for last. I tried on Veromia, Ronald Joyce, Je T'aime, Benjamin Roberts... And then finally, MY DRESS! I just knew it was mine as I (well, my sister!) did it up. I felt like the wedding was going to be a reality as I looked at myself in my dress. I think all women feel like the wedding won't really happen until they look at themselves in a wedding dress. Linda grabbed an Amanda Wyatt Veil for me and I could've stayed like that ALL DAY! We won't order it until later this year but Linda has my measurements and details so I don't have to travel back and forth all the time. I have lots of pictures of me in my dress and I look at them regularly.
Can't wait til I have my dress and can wear it whenever I want. Will probably wear to hoover or go down the shops! Well, I need to get my money's worth!

Scilly Bride

Next time - Colour Schemes
This is the view from where we used to live. Just wish we could afford a house with a sea view like this when we return there soon.

First Post!

It's the first of february today and whilst sat at home on the Mainland doing nowt 'cept catching up on my forums and FB, I've decided to start my own blog. Lots of the brides on the forum seem to blog so I thought I'd join in. I have no idea what I'm suppose to do or say and I'm guessing that no-one will read this except me! But I think it's good for me to write stuff down as it's creating some crazy wedding dreams!

Let's start with some background first though.

H2B and I got engaged last year in July. It was a mutual decision that it was the right time so I didn't get a proposal (which I feel is a bit of a let-down). He assures he was planning on proposing soon with romance aplenty etc but personally I'm dubious! I don't have my ring yet as we can't afford it yet but I have a sparkly stand-in at the moment (Silver and Cubic Zirconia!) which is very pretty.

We have set a date but we need to speak to our local Revd to make it official. We're working towards a date in March 2011 which gives us plenty of time to save.

We are getting married on the Isles of Scilly as this is where we met and plan to live after the wedding. I can't wait to make it our permanent home as usually we just work there seasonally (Easter to Hallowe'en) going on holiday and/or returning to my family's home for the winter.

Hopefully over the next 400 odd days I can stay on top of all this planning malarkey and working AND blogging (which I think could be quite cathartic. I may become addicted!)

Scilly Bride
